我们希望你能以零债务进入事工. If you must take on debt we strive to make it as little as possible.
If you want to save money 和 have less debt after you graduate here’s how you should prioritize your aid:
- 助学金、折扣和奖学金
- 联邦 & 机构勤工俭学计划
- 补贴贷款
- 未受资助的贷款
使用我们的 计算器 to add up your financial aid 和 to see your estimated costs as well. 了解更多关于 我们的被动经济援助接受政策.
- 4月30日 – FAFSA 以及申请机构援助时应注意的事项.
- 7月1日 – FAFSA 和 Student Work Program application due for student employment.
- 8月 – 书院注册日; your federal, state, 和 all other aid should appear as a credit on your CampisSIS account.
联邦政府 & 国家援助
决定联邦和州的资格, a FAFSA (Free Application for 联邦 Student Aid) must be completed 和 submitted. 这可以在网上完成 www.studentaid.政府.
奖助金 -不需要回报
奖学金 -不需要回报
贷款 -确实需要偿还
- 补贴贷款 -大学毕业后开始积累利息
- 未受资助的贷款 -立即开始产生利息
- 是你.S. 公民或有有效社会安全号码的合格非公民;
- 有高中文凭吗, 格, or have completed a home-school program with a state that recognizes home-schooling;
- are enrolled in an eligible program as a regular student seeking a degree;
- 以及有经济需要的人.
- 俄亥俄州居民,
- 参加了一个本科学位课程,
- 基于EFC的Pell资格.
Proceeds can be used for students enrolled full-time, 3/4-time, or half-time.
有一张1098-T表格,但不知道该怎么处理? 得到你们的问题 回答这.
These loans can be either subsidized or unsubsidized, something determined by FAFSA results (EFC). You must be taking at least 6 credit 小时 while enrolled in a degree program to be eligible for a Direct loan.
These loans are borrower initiated on a semester basis; you can start the process by submitting the FAFSA 和 completing a Master Promissory Note at www.studentaid.政府.
Plus loans are available to parents of students enrolled for at least 6 credit 小时. Plus贷款的批准取决于良好的信用. 申请表格可于以下网址填写 www.studentaid.政府.
联邦半工半读的 allows students to earn money toward their school bill by working either 7.每周工作5到15小时,拿最低工资. The student will be given the choice to receive funds in the form of a check or have them applied directly to their student account.
学生可以参加学生工作计划. To participate the student must do the following by July 1st:
For 更多的 information about student employment, please contact Human Resources at hr@pacificeconomicpost.com.
奖学金 from non-政府ernmental sources outside bte365官网地址 help many students pay for college.
You can search for options here or check with your local civic groups, 父母的雇主, 或其他慈善组织.
- 〇福特汉姆大学 知名奖学金网站
- 〇福布斯顾问 9有价值的奖学金网站和搜索引擎
To be considered for our institutional aid programs, you must complete a FAFSA在线 along with the necessary application / verification for the institutional aid program.
学生 may apply for the numerous privately funded scholarships that are available. These scholarships are awarded according to the specific criteria for each scholarship, 学生的优点和/或需求. 奖金从50美元到5500美元不等. 申请截止日期为4月30日.
In cases where the disbursement of endowed funds would result in a credit balance on a student’s account, God’s Bible School 和 大学 reserves the 将多余的资金重新奖励给其他学生的权利. 这种做法 aims to exp和 the reach of endowed scholarships 和 support a greater 学生人数.
bte365官网地址再一次提供 基督教世界观奖学金 to all bte365官网地址 campus freshmen coming for the first-time in Fall 2024. 在申请其他援助后, this scholarship will cover all remaining on-campus tuition costs for both the fall 和 spring semesters of the student’s freshman year.
Incoming freshmen enrolling in a bachelor’s music degree program are eligible to apply for this four-year merit scholarship. 学生必须保持至少3分.0的绩点. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 musicoffice@pacificeconomicpost.com.
This award is available for international students attending on campus. 它包括最多15个学分的学费.
- 要求:完成 Wingrove Taylor遗产奖申请
折扣 are available to students who are enrolled full-time (12+ credits per semester). They are applied to tuition after federal 和 state grants are awarded. 折扣 不 apply to room, board, fees, or anything other than tuition unless noted. They have no cash value so no refunds will be given as a result.
Available for undergraduate students who have a parent who previously attended bte365官网地址. 它每学期最多可减免500美元的学费.
- 要求:完成 校友奖学金申请.
Available for undergraduate students whose family’s primary source of income is ministry. 它每学期最多可减免500美元的学费.
- 要求: A letter or email from a supervisor or church board member stating the family’s primary source of income is from ministry.
Available for any online undergraduate student permanently residing outside of the United States. 它比标准学费优惠50%.
Available for undergraduate students who graduated as valedictorian or salutatorian of their class. 这个选项也适用于在家上学的学生. It discounts tuition $500 per semester for up to eight semesters provided the student maintains a 3.5平均绩点.
- 要求: Student’s class ranking will need to either show on their transcripts or in a letter from their school.
- 要求: 满足当前要求的SAT, ACT或CLT成绩:
- Sat - 1090
- ACT(加写作)- 21分
- CLT - 71
Available for campus undergraduate students whose parents are actively involved in full-time missions outside of the United States. 学生资助和勤工俭学后(每周15小时), 剩余学费, 房间(隐私), 伙食费打九折. 此折扣不包括费用. 学生必须是美国公民.
Note: If students choose not to participate in the work-study program or a position is not available, they will be responsible to pay the amount it would have provided.
- 要求: A letter or email from a missions supervisor stating the student’s parents are actively involved in full-time missions outside of the United States
The institutional work-study program allows students to earn money toward their school bill. 学生 may 申请一个校园职位 by completing the FAFSA, a 勤工助学的应用程序 并在7月1日前提交简历.
For 更多的 information about student employment, please contact Human Resources at hr@pacificeconomicpost.com.
毕竟援助已经申请了, a 2% cash discount will be given for paying the entire remaining balance in one payment.
有关经济援助选择,请前往 研究生bte365的经济援助.
I am here to make it as easy as possible so give me a call 和 we can chat.
给我发封邮件发短信给我 (513) 402-2428 或者打电话给我 (513) 763-6565.
I am here to make it as easy as possible so give me a call 和 we can chat.
给我发封邮件发短信给我 (513) 402-2428 或者打电话给我 (513) 763-6565.